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Woocommerce Order Fulfilment Services

If your shop uses the platform, Bezos can fulfil your orders with ease and effectiveness.

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With 4.5 million live websites using the plugin, WooCommerce is one of the most popular e-commerce solutions available to sellers, powering 28% of all online WordPress stores.

How does Woocommerce fulfilment work?

At Bezos, our core goal is to facilitate your growth. That’s why our multi-channel fulfilment services integrate with most platforms and marketplaces, allowing you to expand while safe in the knowledge that all of your orders are being handled by us, efficiently and seamlessly.

Receive your inventory

Our fulfilment centres will accept your merchandise, checking them in within 48 hours. Then, we store your products until an order is placed.

Divide your stock between our centres

With centres in the UK and EU, our system uses genius AI to decide what and how much of your inventory is stored in which location, ensuring orders always leave the fulfilment centres closest to their destination.

Connect Woocommerce to our system

WooCommerce, as well as all your other selling platforms and marketplaces, will be integrated into your Bezos account by our dedicated team.

Process your orders

You’re all set. Now, when an order comes through, we will automatically receive, pack, label and ship it, as well as handle any returns.

Why use Bezos for Woocommerce fulfilment?

1. Next generation multi-channel

WooCommerce is a great platform, however, you probably don’t only sell through your website. You may use other marketplaces too. No matter where they come from, we can fulfil all of your orders. It’s all integrated into one stress-free account that allows you to focus your precious attention on other aspects of your business.

2. International efficiency

Fees and delays are major blockers for today’s customer. With our centres in the UK and EU, your orders will be fulfilled quickly and efficiently, avoiding any additional costs like customs payments, no matter their destination.

3. No limits

Whether you sell delicate and highly regulated products such as food or medicine, or heavy and bulky items like furniture, you’re in good hands with us. We can handle anything. Our packaging will ensure shipments are secure and arrive quickly in perfect condition.

4. No hassle

Our groundbreaking AI-led technology means that our processes are fully automated, no matter the volume of orders or how many platforms and marketplaces you use. We take away the burden of admin, so you’re free to think about scaling up and focusing on the parts of your business that you enjoy the most.

Other available platform integrations

Bezos integrates with over 30 platforms and marketplaces. Here are only some of the supported systems:



eBay is no longer a home just for second-hand merchants. Many e-commerce sellers are choosing to display their goods on the website, and if you’re one of them, we can fully integrate with your eBay shop.
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Amazon ist ein E-Commerce-Riese und der größte Einzelhändler der Welt. Der Verkauf auf dieser Plattform ist für viele Unternehmen unverzichtbar, und wir bei Bezos können jede Bestellung erfüllen, die über diese Plattform eingeht.
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Etsy, das sich hauptsächlich auf handgefertigte oder Vintage-Artikel konzentriert, ist für alles, was mit Kunsthandwerk und Mode zu tun hat, immer beliebter geworden. Unsere Abwicklungszentren sind darauf vorbereitet, jede Etsy-Bestellung entgegenzunehmen und schnell zu liefern.
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Sales channels


Many of today’s online retailers rely on Shopify, the third largest e-commerce platform in the world. Our software seamlessly links to it.
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Magento powers 1% of all 1.5 billion websites on the internet, and is a PHP-based e-commerce platform. If your shop uses it, Bezos can extract relevant information and fulfil your shipments.
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Finden Sie heraus, warum Bezos der richtige E-Commerce-Fulfillment-Partner für Sie ist.

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