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Etsy Order Fulfilment Services

Etsy is an e-commerce giant that many sellers of vintage, fashion and handmade items benefit from using.
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With our multi-channel fulfilment service, we are swift and efficient in taking care of all your Etsy orders, freeing up your time to focus on growing your business.

How does Etsy fulfilment work?

At Bezos, we believe that a fulfilment centre is more than just completing orders. We want to support your business wherever you sell. To do that, our service is driven by automation, making the process as simple as it can be.

Reciba su inventario

When your items arrive at our centre, we check them in within 48 hours. Once checked in, we store them so that they are ready to be shipped as soon as an order comes in.

Reparta sus existencias entre nuestros centros

Our AI-powered system makes the process of determining how to split your inventory between our UK and EU centres as smart and efficient as possible, ensuring your products are always close to your customers.

Connect Etsy to our system

Once your stock is all set up in our fulfilment centre, our dedicated team will integrate your Etsy account — and any other marketplaces and platforms — into our system.

Tramitar sus pedidos

All done. Now, every time you receive an Etsy order, we’ll automatically handle it, from packing to shipping and returns.

Why use Bezos for Etsy fulfilment?

1. Next generation multi-channel

You can use us to fulfil orders no matter how many marketplaces or sales channels you use. Every order will come through our system immediately, placing the data in one place, synced with your inventory in all our fulfilment centres.

2. Ship anywhere

With centres in the UK and EU, we can smoothly handle shipments regardless of destination. This can be a decisive factor for Etsy users who want to avoid extortionate customs fees and long delivery times.

3. Sin límites

Whether you sell bulky vintage furniture or dainty necklaces, we pride ourselves on being able to store, pack and ship almost anything, safely and quickly.

4. Sin complicaciones

Our team uses our tech-driven system to take care of everything smoothly and efficiently, eliminating the stress of managing high volumes of orders. Let us handle the orders so you can concentrate on scaling up.

Otras integraciones de plataformas disponibles

Bezos se integra con más de 30 plataformas y mercados. Estos son solo algunos de los sistemas compatibles:



Amazon es un gigante del comercio electrónico y el mayor minorista del mundo. Vender en esta plataforma es esencial para muchos negocios, y en Bezos podemos cumplir cualquier pedido que llegue a través de ella.
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eBay is no longer a home just for second-hand merchants. Many e-commerce sellers are choosing to display their goods on the website, and if you’re one of them, we can fully integrate with your eBay shop.
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Wayfair, especializado en artículos para el hogar, es un lugar ideal para vender muebles y decoración. Podemos enviar cualquier artículo pedido a través de este mercado, incluidos los artículos pesados y voluminosos.
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Canales de venta


Muchos de los minoristas en línea actuales confían en Shopify, la tercera plataforma de comercio electrónico más grande del mundo. Nuestro software enlaza a la perfección con ella.
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Woocommerce es uno de los plugins favoritos de los comerciantes en línea basados en WordPress. Nuestros servicios están totalmente integrados.
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Magento impulsa el 1% de los 1.500 millones de sitios web de Internet, y es una plataforma de comercio electrónico basada en PHP. Si tu tienda la utiliza, Bezos puede extraer información relevante y cumplir con tus envíos.
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